Wednesday, 27 October 2010

A Wee Surprise

Well, wonders will never cease but I actually opened up my manuscript this evening to write when, unbelievably, I discovered that I have actually added to my wee novel!  (despite my pop tune infused declarations) A good 500 or so words, no less, and I have no recollection of when I wrote them!  I remember the continuation of the plot but I don't remember actually writing them.

Reading over the little material I have written I was pleasantly surprised.  It reads quite well for a draft.  Long may it continue.  And so I did and have written a little more of my little story which has just breached the 2000 word mark.

Not exactly a novel but it's progress!

I've been in touch with the co-ordinator of the writing course I didn't enroll in and she invited me along regardless of the fact that I wasn't able to attend the first couple of sessions...with a reduced fee of course.  It isn't anything particularly formal and it would be good as a first taste so I may as well try it.  Hopefully hubby will be on hand for the babysitting!

Right.  Might go back and try and chuck another few hundred words in before bed ;o)

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